Contact US

We sell almost all types of product categories. From electronics, cosmetics, clothing, health and wellness range, toys to many other categories are available on our store. ships island-wide. We have a variety of shipping partners who will make sure that customer’s get their deliveries on time, safely.

We support following payment methods at the moment;

  1. Direct Bank Transfers (2.5 Discount applicable to the final invoice value)
  2. Moneta – Pay in 4 equal monthly installment using either your Debit or Credit card
  3. MintPay – Pay in 3 equal monthly installment using either your Debit or Credit card
  4. PayHere – Supports a variety of online payment gateways

We are reachable on below mediums;

  1. Online Chat (Available on our website)
  2. WhatsApp – 0117306306
  3. voice: 0117306306
  4. E-mail: [email protected]
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